This also applies to structure damage, for instance: If a Green Predator single handedly damages an Enemy Construction Yard/Drone Platform ($3500) until its health is red then it will become a Veteran. Buildings being repaired also adds a bonus amount of cash to the value of you killing. So if that same Predator keeps attack a the Construction yard while its being repaired then eventually it will become Elite too. 这也适用于建筑伤害,比如:如果一个新兵捕食者独自对敌人的主基地(3500元)造成伤害,当主基地的血槽变红的时候,他将升级成为老兵。修理后的建筑也会一定程度上增加它被摧毁后的价值。所以,如果同样的那个捕食者在主基地被修理的同时继续攻击,那么最终它可以升级为精英。
"Free" Veterancy “免费”经验 There a 2 things that can give a unit "free veterancy" 有两件事情可以让你得到拥有“免费经验”的单位
Reinforcement Support Powers 支援力量
All GDI reinforcements and NOD Shadow Strike Team start as veteran. A few support powers actually give you the units at discount (like Airborne & Shadow Strike Team) and the others make you pay more (Bloodhounds & Sharpshooter Team), however in actually fact you are paying less than what you bargained for! 所有通过GDI支援力量和NOD的召唤影队得到的单位都是老兵等级的。一些支援力量实际上给你提供了一些折扣(比如空降兵和召唤影队),另一些会让你多花点钱(比如斗犬和狙击手小队),不过实际上你还是赚了。
For Example: 比如:
The Zone Trooper drop pod ability gives you 3 Veteran Zone Trooper squads for $4500. Normally it would cost $1300 for a single squad, however because they are Veteran they all have an actual value of $1560 each ($1300 for their cost and since they do 10% more damage and have 10 more health it adds 20% of the original price thus they have $260 more value). So when you pay $4500 for 3 Zone Troopers in reality you are actually receiving $4680 worth of goods. 重装步兵空降包能力提供给你3队老兵级别的重装步兵,而需要花费4500元。通常一队重装步兵价值1300元,但是因为他们已经是老兵了,他们每个实际价值1560元(本身价值1300元,由于他们拥有10%额外血量和攻击,所以加上原有价值的20% 260元)所以当你花了4500元购买了3组重装步兵时,其实你买了4680的单位。
Counterpoint: Despite the point being very valid, many players feel that this Support Power is simply not Cost Effective to be used for Veterancy - Ultimately its up to you as a player to make the decision. 反驳:尽管这点是无可置疑的,许多玩家感觉支援力量并非物有所值。总之,一切都取决于你——指挥官来做决定。
Notable Heroic Units 要说明的英雄单位
Nod / GDI Commando Nod/GDI 特种兵 Since commando's often work alone - being Heroic gives the all important self healing and at Heroic the sheer lethality against all infantry and respectable Anti Vehicular firepower make the Commando much more effective. 由于特种兵通常单独行动--英雄级别能够自我疗伤,并且可以对步兵和车辆造成毁灭打击的特种兵会变的更为有效。
Tips 提示
Garrisoning in an APC can allow commando's to remain alive much longer
C4'ing Walkers and Buildings is an effective way of gaining Veterancy Points.
Juggernaut 神像
The Juggernaut Firepower at Heroic Level is something to be noted. It is effectively capable of destroying virtually any unit with one salvo and the high rate of fire can level structures will ease. 英雄级别神像的火力需要特别提及。它们可以很有效的消灭任何单位,并且高速率的开火可以瞬间夷平建筑。
Tips 提示:
Juggernauts are Fragile - ensure that they are defended at all times.
Vertigo / Firehawk 眩晕/火鹰
Both of these Bombers benefit greatly from the extra punch per salvo and especially the Self Heal can allow them to penetrate further and faster which greatly improves the survivability. 升级后这些轰炸机的炸弹会有额外的伤害,特别是自我修复能力可以让它们突进的更远,并大大提高它们的存活能力。
Tips 提示
Avoid Suicide Raids unless absolutely nessecary, in all cases way-point to ensure that they take the patch of least resistance
Stratofighter is essential for Deep Penetration attacks (Firehawk only)
Stealth Tank 隐形坦克
Since KungFuRabbit in BCPT 5 used a Heroic Stealth Tank to pretty much destroy an entire horde of GDI Units - the Stealth Tank remains as the most feared Heroic Unit. The Huge RoF bonus means that it can easily decimate Air Units in seconds and with adequate Micro defeat almost everything else. 由于KungFuRabbit 在BCPT5中使用的英雄级隐坦非常好的摧毁了整支GDI武装——隐坦成为最令人畏惧的英雄单位。巨大的射速加成意味着它可以在几秒内轻松的消灭空军,配合适当的微操甚至可以灭掉任何东西。
Tips 提示:
Stealth Tanks are only suited for Hit and Run Attacks and even when Heroic still fit that purpose, leave it exposed and they will be destroyed with ease
Planetary Assault Carrier 行星突击母舰
Good luck trying to make this happen, but when it does you have the definition of Un-killable. The Regeneration, RoF and huge damage increase for the fighters mean that this unit is pretty much impossible to kill. 要得到英雄级的突击母舰需要运气,不过一旦做到了,你就知道什么叫不可摧毁了。自我恢复,高射速,巨大的攻击增益都意味着这个单位不可能被摧毁。
Tips 提示
Very, Very, Very Difficult to do, but when it does happen you pretty much own the game (providing you escort the PAC as one would normally do)