; stat_pri_attr
; primary weapon attributes any or all of
ap 破甲,目标的盔甲防御力减半
bp 穿体,远程攻击可以穿过人体打击到后面的人
spear 适用于长矛,对骑兵攻击有加成,对步兵攻击受惩罚
long_pike 适用于超长矛
thrown 投掷,远程武器为投掷方式(如标枪)
launching 可以把目标击飞(如大象)
area 大面积伤害(如投石器)
; stat_sec As per stat_pri (a value of no means no secondary weapon)
第二武器 战象和战车的第二武器指象和战车的攻击力;远程部队和部分骑兵部队拥有自己的副武器。数据的排列顺序参照基本武器。
; stat_sec_attr As per stat_pri_attr
;第二武器的属性 参照基本武器的属性
; stat_pri_armour Details of the man’s defences
; armour factor
; defensive skill factor (not used when shot at)
; shield factor (only used for attacks from the front of left)
; sound type when hit = flesh, leather, or metal
基本护甲 数值从左到右依次是:
; stat_sec_armour Details of animal’s or vehicle’s defenses (note riden horses do not have a separate defence)
第二护甲 指战车和象本身的防御力,数据的排列顺序参照基本护甲。
; stat_heat Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates
;热的影响 在炎热天气中容易产生疲劳的程度(数值越高越容易疲劳,如北欧的部队)
; stat_ground Combat modifiers on different ground types. From left to right
; scrub, sand, forest, snow
地形影响 不同地形对战斗的修正值,数据的顺序依次是
; stat_mental The base morale level, followed by discipline and training
; discipline may be normal, low, disciplined or imperuous. Impetuous units may charge without orders
; training determines how tidy the unit’s formation is
士气 数值从左到右依次是:
纪律(normal普通, low低, disciplined 纪律好or imperuous鲁莽),
; stat_charge_distance Distance from the enemy that the unit will begin charging
冲锋距离 部队从多远开始冲锋
; stat_fire_delay Ectra delay over that imposed by animation, hetween volleys
射击间隔 每次齐射间的间隔
; stat_cost Number of turns to build,
; Cost of unit to construct
; Cost of upkeep
; Cost of upgrading weapons
; Cost of upgrading armour
; Cost for custom battles