Start Arl Eamon Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleportingrunscript zz_arl_debug
Start Circle of Magi Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleportingrunscript zz_cir_debug
Start Paragon of her Kind Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleportingrunscript zz_orz_debug
Start Prelude Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleportingrunscript zz_pre_debug
Start Urn of Sacred Ashes script; allows modification of plot states and teleportingrunscript zz_urn_debug
All achievementsrunscript cheater
Origin screenrunscript chargen
Party select screenrunscript selectparty
1.runscript zz_money 10000 -----------加1金币 后面几个0无所谓,别溢出就行
2.runscript addxp 1000 --------加经验的
3.runscript restore -------给选定的任务加满血魔
4.runscript injury remparty --------移除全队所有人的受伤状态
5.runscript pc_immortal ---------无敌
6.runscript zz_reveal_map -----------地图全开
7.runscript cheater ------------解锁所有成就
8.runscript zz_addapproval 人物代码 点数 ----- 加队友的❤
Alistair 1
Morrigan 3
Wynne 4
Shale 5
Sten 6
Zevran 7
Leliana 9
Self 11
9.runscript zz_upgrade --------开启附魔窗口,不用找那个傻x矮子了!
10.runscript killallhostiles ---------把区域内所有敌人都杀掉
11.runscript zz_supercrit player ---------把猪脚的力量敏捷加到50 魔法耐力加到1000
12.runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_alistair ---------把那个王储的力量敏捷加到50 魔法耐力加到1000 ,最后的人名可换
runscript addtalent 技能代码 ------------使选定的人物获得技能
2.runscript removetalent 技能代码------移除技能
Name Code
Coercion 100011
Improved Coercion 100012
Expert Coercion 100013
Master Coercion 100014