1. 安装:解压后这几个全部扔进SKYRIMDATA文件夹。
2. 设置:(一定要设置,因为默认的,包括T网和N网很多牛人设置的INI文件,都把晚上和屋内,地下城,设置得太黑了,看得眼睛疼。)
GLOBALMULTIPLIERS (with example information)
These areglobal multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it globally.
Eye AdaptSpeed is how fast the eye adjusts to new lighting conditions. RL sets to ~20 or 40.
Bloomvariables govern the fuzzy lighting effects produced on objects.
Bloom is setto 0 in RL, so multipliers have no effect. It's usually 7 / .3 to .4 / 3 to 4 for vanilla.
Target Lum'scan have a dramatic effect on brightness. In RL, they are usually 5 / .5. In vanilla,they are usually 1 / 1 or something close.
I'm not sureof the exact definition of these variables, so experiment with them as youwill.
With respectto RL values, lowering target lum 2 will increase the brightness, whileincreasing it will lower the brightness.
The effect oftarget lum 1 is usually affected by the value of lum 2.