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  Cole: So many masks.

  Blackwall: At the ball? It's Orlesian culture, get used to it.

  Cole: Not at the ball. Here.


  Cole: "Mockingbird, mockingbird, quiet and still, what do you see from the top of that hill? Can you see up? Can you see down? "

  Blackwall: Wait...

  Cole: Can you see the dead things all about town?

  Blackwall: How do you know that song?

  Cole: It just came to me. Everyone says everyone knows it. The children knew it.


  Cole: How do you get the hair on your face?

  Blackwall: Look, ask Varric. He seems to have adopted you.

  Cole: He doesn't have have hair on his face. Is it a mask?

  Blackwall: No it's a beard. Look, if you were any other lad your age I'd tell that one day you'll probably grow one too, except I don't know if spirits that become boys get beards.

  Cole: I could try.

  Blackwall: Right. You go do that then. Good luck. Have fun.


  Cole: We played by the fire so she would be warm. No, it's summer, Liddy.

  Blackwall: This thing you do? Maybe you should stop doing it.

  Cole: Got her flower but they'd taken her. Left it on her bed. Next eight on the sill.

  Cole: Tourney sands. A garden seat. Five to Chantry altars. One to a child with her hair. The sea? Too many to count.

  Cole: And thirty-six. Tossed off the battlements today.

  Blackwall: Go bother Solas.

  Cole: You have many feelings.

  Cole: I'm sorry she died.


  Cole: Your knife is big.

  Blackwall: [Snickers] It's a sword.

  Cole: It's bigger than mine.

  Blackwall: And now you've made it awkward.


  Blackwall: How does a spirit become flesh anyway?

  Cole: I don't know. How does a Warden become Grey?


  Blackwall: You know, Cole, you're not so bad. But I'll never get used to the things that come out of your mouth.

  Cole: There was once a man who had bees coming out of his mouth?

  Blackwall: A perfect example.


  Blackwall: What are you staring at?

  Cole: Your head. So many tangles. Knots. And that's just on the inside.

  Cole: You need a hairbrush.


  Blackwall: Hey, Cole. Say something interesting.

  Cole: "Something interesting"?

  Blackwall: Yes, I deserved that one.


  Cole: When you charge at them, you make them hit you.

  Blackwall: Ideally. That's why my armor's heavier than yours.


  Cole: Golden, graceful, glittering but not gaudy. Voice delicate and delectable.

  Blackwall: What are you talking about, Cole?

  Cole: Sweet, soft, silky. Her dress, and also under her dress. Are you going to talk to Josephine?

  Blackwall: Maker's balls, get out of my mind, would you? You make me sound like a dirty, old bastard!

  Cole: Do you want to hear what she thinks of you?

  Blackwall: No.

  Cole: You should.


  Blackwall: They say you're a demon.

  Cole: Yes. Or spirit. I want it to be spirit.

  Blackwall: Either way, I know you're dangerous.

  Cole: Yes. Like you.

  Blackwall: What?

  Cole: A sack on the side of the road, struggling. The boy runs from it, crying.

  Blackwall: Fine, so you're dangerous and insane.


  [If not romance Blackwall.]

  Cole: You would stop it if you could. That is enough. But don't do it again.

  Blackwall: Why are you here? Do you even understand what's happening in the world?

  Cole: I heal the helpless, give hope where there is hurt.

  Blackwall: But you've killed before.

  Cole: Yes. Before I knew what I was.

  Blackwall: Why should we believe you can help now?

  Cole: It hurts too much, I can't be me, have to be someone who never killed.

  Cole: Help enough and I'm different, I'm not me. Believe it to become it.

  Blackwall: Maker's balls!

  Cole: We can change, if we want it enough.


  Blackwall: Tell me, Cole, how do you make them forget you?

  Cole: I'm not really real. They already want to forget me.

  Cole: I find the part that doesn't fit and set it free. Their mind makes a shape that makes sense without me.

  Blackwall: That's not right.

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