麋鹿装饰 The Moose 15G
除了开始时,不使用任何伪装成功跟踪Candy Edwards Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.
星罗棋布 Star Map 15G
找到城市中所有地标 Discover all landmark locations around the city.
盘问高手 The Third Degree 30G
在一个故事事件中的每次对话正确衍伸每个问题 Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.
直觉感应 The Hunch 30G
在一次对话中使用四次直觉点数,并正确衍伸每个问题 Use four intuition points in a single interview session, correctly branching each question.
开车上瘾者 Auto Fanatic 30G
驾驶城市中每辆汽车 Drive every vehicle in the city.
好莱坞 Hollywoodland 30G
找到并调查所有金胶卷 Find and inspect all gold film reels.
车辆收集癖 Auto Collector 15G
驾驶40辆不同汽车 Drive 40 different vehicles.