70Kick of Doom50-250分CHARGED: Kill an enemy by kicking a cannonball from the Bouncer Charge Shot. 用Bouncer榴弹枪续力攻击造出一个爆炸球 对着敌人踢过去 炸死他
71Kick Off未知Remove a miniboss's helmet then when he's stunned again kick his head off. 先把小boss的头盔打掉 然后把小boss打晕的时候把他的头踢掉
72Killing Spree150分未知未知
73Killer News未知Kill someone with the explosion of a Newsbot. 未知
74Leak未知Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then get a headshot. 把一个Nom寄生虫套在敌人头上然后爆他头
75Legless50-250分Blow the legs off an enemy with the Boneduster. 用Boneduster喷子把敌人的腿打爆
76Letter Bomb未知CHARGED: Explode two or more enemies using a single bullet with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. 用Head Hunter狙击枪的续力攻击 在1发子弹内同时干掉2个或者以上数量敌人
77Lucky Shot未知Kill an enemy with a cannonball that travelled over 100 meters without bouncing. 用Bouncer榴弹枪的普通攻击 在100米外直接炸死一个敌人(球不能弹地)
78Machinist50分Destroy an opposing vehicle. 炸掉一部正逼近的地方车辆
79Mass Murderer150分Wrap a Flail around an enemy then kick him towards another. 用链条枪缠住一个敌人 然后把他踢向其它敌人
80Meat Fountain未知Kill two or more airborne enemies with one cannonball. 用Bouncer榴弹同时杀掉2个或以上数量的空中敌人
81Meat Slicer25-125分Slice an enemy in half while wrapping the flail around an object.用链条枪把敌人缠在柱子上 然后用续力攻击把敌人切两半
83Mercy100-500分Shoot an enemy in the balls and kick or shoot his head off.射敌人的小JJ然后把他的头打掉或者踢掉
84Mile High Club未知Send an enemy into the sky with a drill. 用电钻枪把敌人钻上天~
85Minefield25-125分Kill an enemy by exploding a flail attached to a surface. 用链条枪缠住随便什么物体 变成定点雷 炸死一个敌人
86Misfire50-250分CHARGED: Flare an enemy with the Screamer Charge Shot but kill him before the flare explodes. 用Screamer左轮的续力攻击在敌人身上射一个爆炸弹 然后在爆炸弹爆炸之前杀掉敌人
87Money Shot未知Kill an enemy by launching a cannonball at them and exploding it before it hits anything. 用Bouncer榴弹枪的延时爆炸 在榴弹接触任何东西前放开射击键引爆 炸死一个敌人
88Nom Nom Nom200分未知未知
89Nominated未知Kill an enemy with a Nom parasite on their head. 套个Nom寄生虫在敌人头杀死敌人
90Nutcracker未知Kill an enemy by guiding a bullet into his balls with the Head Hunter. 用Head HUnter狙击的制导子弹射敌人的JJ
91On the Ball50-250分未知未知
92One Hit Wonder25-125分Perform a clean execution by using only a single bullet to kill the enemy with the Screamer. 用Screamer左轮 一颗子弹杀掉一个敌人
93Overkill100分CHARGED: Execute a headshot with the PMC Charge Shot. 用PMC机枪的续力攻击爆敌人头
94Pancake250分Use environmental damage to flatten an enemy. 用环境陷阱把一个敌人压扁
95Parashoot500分Leash an enemy out of a Gyrocopter and kill him before he lands. 把直升机上的敌人用鞭子拉下来 在他落地前杀掉
96Piledriver50-250分Get an enemy airborne then smash him into a surface with a blast from the Boneduster. 不确定
97Premature未知CHARGED: Explode the bullet to kill the target before it hits him with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. 用Head Hunter狙击的续力攻击 在爆炸子弹射中敌人前 引爆子弹炸死敌人
98Pricked未知Kill an enemy by flinging them into a cactus. 把敌人操到仙人掌上去插死
99Pump Action50分Get an enemy airborne then shotgun blast him into an environmental hazard with the Boneduster. 先把敌人草到天上去 用Boneduster把浮空的敌人轰到周围的陷阱或者尖刺等。。
101Rear Entry50-250分Kill an enemy by shooting him in the ass. 爆菊!!!!!!!!
102Root Canal未知Insert a drill into an enemy's head. 用钻头枪爆敌人头
103Sadist50-250分Wrap a flail around an enemy but kill him before it explodes. 用链条枪绑住敌人 在链条爆炸前打死敌人
104Sausage Fest未知Kill an enemy using a hot dog cart explosion. 引爆热狗车炸死敌人