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  瑟拉为人冲动,在当下寻欢作乐(而不是过去也不是未来)。对她来说,重要的不是什么是对的,而是现在什么是对的。作为血手珍妮(the Friends of Red Jenny )的朋友,她以让有权利的人难堪为乐趣。然而现在这些贵族已经不只是自私,而还目光短浅。战争,恶魔,被撕裂的天 空:这些已经远不止是让人感到麻烦了,它们令人胆寒。幸运的是,瑟拉和她的朋友也可以变得可怕,而如果她需要用箭射死一些坏人从而能让普通人得一夕安寝,那就这么办吧。瑟拉为了那些处在夹缝中的人而战,但她也需要恢复秩序。只有世界变得正常,她才能继续在里面玩。

  Sera is impulsive and revels in the moment. For her, it's not about what's right, it's about what's right now. In the Friends of Red Jenny, she humbled authority and had fun doing it. But now the nobility are being not just selfish but blind. War, demons, a torn sky: these are more than troubling—they're terrifying. Fortunately, Sera and her "friends" can be frightening, too, and if she needs to put an arrow through some baddies so regular people can sleep at night, so be it. Sera fights for those caught in the middle, but she also needs order restored. The world has to be normal so she can

  在奥莱伊(OHais)的大街上,审判庭找到了瑟拉,或者说,瑟拉找到了审判庭。瑟拉一个精灵游侠。她的主创,Luke Kristjanson把她称作"惹祸精〃。她为审判庭带来了新的视角,在失控的世界里,处在各个势力夹缝间的那些人的视角。

  "瑟拉既盛气凌人又很搞笑,"Kristjanson这样说。"她什么也不当回事,除非事情真的需要认真处理,而这样的事情并没有多少。她习惯了从黑暗中看待权势(塞拉是friends of Red Jenny ,整天调戏这些人),这让她对于权力背后的那种傲慢毫无尊重之心。"








  Its on the streets of Orlais that the Inquisition finds Sera—or rather, she finds them.

  Sera‘san outsider, a rogue elf, who senior writer, Luke Kristjanson describes as a “troublemaker.” She brings to the Inquisition the perspective of the little people caught between powerful factions as the world spins out of control.

  “Sera is brash and fun,” Kristjanson says. “She takes nothing seriously until it deserves to be taken seriously, and not much does. Shefsonly seen power from the underside, a view that gives her an almost complete lack of respect for the arrogance behind authority.”

  The Inquisition is the fastest Sera's ever seen someone “in power” move. She's never had the chance to get in early and make sure those heading to the top stay humble. But there are also big questions that she needs to answer for herself — “hole in the sky” big—and the Inquisition seems like the place to do it.

  “The phrase I keep going back to is ‘she's not about what's right, she's about what's right now*,”Kristjanson says. “Doing something for the ‘greater good* makes her angry, because she thinks that's shorthand for ‘let's hurt people who don't deserve it because it's easier/ But she's got her own reasons for helping too. Play nice with the vulnerable and you*vealways got friends, and friends are better than power.”

  During 18 years at BioWare, Kristjanson has written many memorable characters for nearly all of BioWare*sfranchises from Baldur*sGate to Inquisition. Its different every time, but he says it s always fun.

  “Sera is raw and genuine,” says Kristjanson. Tve written plenty of characters who were too clever for their own good. Sera hasn'thad to test her beliefs, so she brings a level of honest discovery that is cutting and refreshing. I had a lot of fun with her voice in particular. The actor nailed it day one. From the first voice test, she was Sera. Her laugh is great.”

  With the fate of Thedas hanging in the balance and pressures mounting, Sera'sreckless abandon won'twin over every party member she fights alongside.

  “Sera likes people who try (even if they fail), and is suspicious of people who are so powerful they don'thave to,” Kristjanson says. “There are people she loves, people she hates, and people she loves to hate. That draws a line, in and out of the party.”

  In short, Sera speaks her mind.

  "She makes no secret of her feelings,” Kristjanson says. “I don,tthink she could if she tried.”

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