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  薇薇安被称作Madame de Fer•,也就是铁之女士。她绝对配的上自己的名号。作为法师中的领袖和皇宫(Imperial court)的官方(enchanter),她是一个出了名的值得害怕的家伙,一个通过欺诈和熟练的政治手腕获得地位的人。薇薇安不允许任何人挡在自己和自己想要的东西之间一一那些说她趋炎附势的人,那些尝试限制她力量的人,甚至是尝试把薇薇安拉入她所反对的叛乱中的法师同伴。薇薇安用尽所能,试图让这变得疯狂的世界恢复秩序......只要当一切结束以后,她是幸存者中的一员。

  Referred to as Madame de Fer, “the Lady of Iron”,Vivienne lives up to her title. A leader among the mages and official enchanter to the Imperial court, she is renowned as a fearsome woman who achieved her position through guile and deft political maneuvering. Vivienne allows nothing to stand in the way of what she desires—not those who claim she is a social climber, not those who seek to restrict her power, not even her fellow mages who would conscript her into a rebellion with which she disagrees. Vivienne fights to restore order in a world gone mad.so long as that leaves her among those left standing, once all is said and done.


  她曾是,如今也是皇廷(Imperial Court)的官方巫师(official enchanter)。现如今,赛达斯的法师是不允许掌控政治力量的,所以这个职位基本就像个有头衔的皇廷弄臣——那种听别人命令玩魔法戏法的人。




  之后法环(the Circle)就解体了,一场针对奥莱伊皇位的战争爆发了,并且有个家伙把天空撕裂了。所以,她运气是不咋样。









  我这两天听到了一个流言,说你正打算参加三个星期后在公爵夏曰庄园(the Duke's summer estate)举行的沙龙。我很确定这一定流言是一个无耻的谎言,大使,因为你和其它内瓦拉(Nevarran)使馆的使臣都没有收到邀请。作为聚会的举办者,我相信你不会打算像几个没有洗澡的工人一样喝上几杯麦芽酒,坏了一整个派对。我相信你不敢。




  Madame de Fer(铁之女士)

  [DRAGON AGE]: What was Vivienne's life like before she met the


  [MARY KIRBY]: She was, and still is, the official enchanter to the Imperial Court. Now, mages in Thedas can't hold political power, so the post was almost like a glorified court jester—someone to do magic tricks on command.

  [DA]: That sounds a bit humiliating for someone with her power. How did she deal with it?

  [MK]: Vivienne took the job and turned it into an advisory position for the Empress. She claimed her place as a respected, and sometimes feared, member of the court instead of as an oddity, and she got used to telling the most powerful nobles in the world what to think about magic and mages.

  [DA]: Al「s well that ends well, right?

  [MK]: And then the Circle shattered, a war started for the Orlesian throne, and someone ripped the sky open. So... could be better.

  [DA]: How does she come to join the Inquisition?

  [MK]: Vivienne is not the sort of person who would sit back and watch while the world crashed down around her. The Inquisition is the only group even trying to stand against the chaos. So she resorts to the only logical course of action for a courtier: she throws a party for them.

  [DA]: What was your favorite part about writing her character?

  [MK]: Vivienne was fun to write because she let me play around with different ways for a character to be powerful. Any mage can destroy their enemies with fire and ice, but Vivienne can rip apart her opponents verbally, politically, socially—and make ice seem like the gentlest option.

  [DA]: Does her personality conflict with her fellow companions, or does she fit right in with the Inquisition?

  [MK]: She takes great pride in her work, and her interactions with a certain unnamed Inquisition mage can be a little... explosive. In a good way. Mostly.

  [DA]: Vivienne doesn'tsound like someone you'dwant to tangle with. Can you share an example of how she interacts with people who get on her bad side?

  [MK]: Certainly.

  My dear ambassador,

  I don't believe we've met, so allow me to introduce myself. I am First Enchanter Vivienne, enchanter to the Imperial Court of Oriais, personal advisor to the Empress.

  A rumor has reached my ears that you plan on attending the salon held at the duke's summer estate three weeks hence. I'm certain this rumor must be a scandalous falsehood, Ambassador, as neither you nor anyone else from the Nevarran embassy has been issued an invitation. As host of the party, I trust you did not intend to crash it like some unwashed workman drunk on three tankards

  I know you are only seventy-third in line for the Nevarran throne, but that is hardly so lowly a position as to relegate you to trailing after Comtesse Montbelliard in the hope that she might give your suit a moment's thought. She won't, my dear. She only likes men with self-respect. Perhaps you might sober up and acquire some?

  I'm sure I don't have to tell you, Ambassador, that the world has become a dangerous place. Wars rage across the continent, the sky is torn open, and many say the end of the world is upon us. During such chaotic times, it behooves those of us in power to aid in the restoration of peace and the establishment of order. Lives have already been lost; should we not save those we can? In that spirit, I give you this friendly warning: I am not to be trifled with. I would not be in a rush to hasten my own demise if I were you, darling. If the demons have their way, it will come soon enough.

  Most sincerely,

  Madame de Fer

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