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  卡珊德拉(Cassandra Pentaghast)

  尽管生于贵族家庭,卡珊德拉却抛弃了充满财富和特权的生活加入了真理追索者(Seekers of Truth)。这个古老的团体把自己当作监视堕落腐化还有魔法威胁的眼睛,被教会赋予了调查事情的最高权力——但是,它却对先前的法师叛乱保持了沉默而不履行自己的职责。卡珊德拉没有像她的兄弟姐妹们一样,正相反,她仍然对Divine Justinia(现任教皇)保持忠诚,并协助教皇恢复乱世之中的秩序。她既虔诚又充满动力,作为教皇的左右手,她对正义的追求胜过一切。

  Though of noble birth, Cassandra Pentaghast turned her back on a life of wealth and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth. The ancient order serves as a watchful eye over corruption and magical threats, granted ultimate authority in its investigations by the Chantry—or it did, prior to abandoning their duty in response to the mage rebellion. Cassandra did not join her brothers in this, instead remaining loyal to Divine Justinia and her efforts to restore order in the face of chaos. She is both pious and driven, the sword in the right hand of the Divine, seeking justice above all else.


  卡珊德拉是真理追索者(Seekers of Truth)组织的一员,那个带领圣殿骑士们脱离教会镇压法师叛乱的组织......但她同时也是Divene(教皇)的仆人,是那个作为教会精神领袖的人,也即整个赛达斯领袖的人的仆人。


















  [DRAGON AGE]: Dragon Age fans will remember Cassandra from the previous game, but for those meeting her for the first time, who exactly is she?

  [DAVID GAIDER]: Cassandra is a member of the Seekers of Truth, the order that led the templars away from the Chantry to battle the mage rebellion…but she is also servant to the Divine, the spiritual leader of the Chantry and thus all of Thedas.

  [DA]: Does that ever force her to pick sides?

  [DG]: She is part of both worlds, and when those worlds come into conflict, she chooses to stand with the Divine because, as she sees it, the Divine is seeking to end the chaos rather than add to it. To her fellow Seekers, this makes Cassandra a traitor, but it puts her in a position to be there when the Inquisition is founded, to do what needs to be done.

  [DA]: How much has Cassandra changed since players last saw her?

  [DG]: When Cassandra met Varric in Dragon Age II, she was convinced the world worked a certain way: things were black and white, good and evil. If there was a problem, there was a distinct cause behind it that could be dealt with.

  [DA]: And now?

  [DG]: What we find in Inquisition is a Cassandra who's realizing the world doesn't work like she believed it does. Her duty is not absolute, and perhaps neither is her faith. Having doubt need not make either of those things weaker, however, and that's the path that Cassandra has to now walk.

  [DA]: How do other characters in the game see her?

  [DG]: I think there's a big difference between how others would describe Cassandra and how she would describe herself. She can come across as very stern and rigid, perhaps even humorless, but then she'll surprise you with a wry comment or a bit of sarcasm.

  The things she has real passion for, she holds secret as she doesn't believe putting them on display is very seemly. There is a sense of propriety and duty in Cassandra that some of the other characters simply can't resist poking at until they elicit a reaction.

  [DA]: What is Cassandra like on the battlefield? Does she run toward danger head on?

  [DG]: It depends on where the greatest danger lies and who is threatened. She's very practical in battle, and far more oriented toward protecting the helpless and innocent before any other consideration. Fighting is not about having style or showing off; it's a necessary means to an end.

  [DA]: She sounds like a noble ally.

  [DG]: Cassandra does what she believes is right and just, and holds those values as more important than things like law or duty. If she needs to rebel against tradition in order to drag the world kicking and screaming back into a semblance of order, then she will do it. Once Cassandra commits to a cause, she jumps in with both feet, and the Inquisition is no exception.

  [DA]: What did you enjoy most about writing Cassandra's character?

  [DG]: At heart, deep down, Cassandra's a romantic. If you called her that, she would completely deny it, but it's absolutely true, and it made her quite fun for me to write. I don't think I've made a character quite like her previously.

  [DA]: Would you say that Cassandra is easy to get along with?

  [DG]: There are characters she sees eye to eye with, The Iron Bull

  being one of them. Vivienne is another. Even with those two, however, there are particular points that will cause contention between them—the Inquisition's c

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