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  铁牛(Iron bull)

  整个赛达斯都把库那利人看作是凶残的长着角的巨人。他们从北方而来,曾几乎征服了整个大陆。这些信仰一种残酷哲学的无情的野蛮人,通过尉廷官(the Ben-Hassrath)确保他们的意志得到实现。尉廷官是他们的间谍和秘密警察。有一个杰出的特工能完成尉廷官所需要做的所有工作,追杀间谍,叛徒和逃兵,直到有一天他终于被击垮了。为了保留这个珍贵的财富,他的上级把他送到奥莱伊去监视和汇报......由此,铁牛诞生了。(库那利人内部是不以名字相称的,Dao的sten(斯坦)就是他的军衔。我就说说,怕新人不知道。)


  Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from the north to nearly conquer the continent. These ruthless followers of a harsh philosophy enforce their will through the Ben-Hassrath: their spies and secret police. One brilliant agent did it all, hunting spies, rebels, and deserters until the day he finally broke. To preserve a valuable asset, his superiors sent him to Orlais to observe and report... and The Iron Bull was born.

  Today, Bull'sChargers are famous mercenaries, fiercely loyal to the huge Qunari warrior who leads them into battles and taverns with equal enthusiasm. The Iron Bull still sends the Ben-Hassrath reports, but years of living outside Qunari rules have him

  wondering which identity is really him. Whoever he is, he,smore than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.


















  铁牛只和那些对库那利不爽的人关系不好。他不会去试着改变别人的看 法,也不会为自己的生活方式道歉,而像瓦里克(Varric)这样在柯克沃见 过库那利最坏一面的人,可能会错误理解铁牛的做法。

  [DRAGON AGE]: What was The Iron Bull,slife like before the Inquisition?

  [PATRICK WEEKES]: The Iron Bull was a Ben-Hassrath internal agent on an island controlled by his people, the Qunari, but threatened by rebels and agitators. Imagine the Dragon Age equivalent of a federal anti-terrorism unit, and you'vegot the basic idea. When things got hot, he was the one the Qunari sent to handle the situation.

  [DA]: Sounds like demanding work. Although, judging by his character design, he seems up for the task.

  [PW]: True, but nobody can handle a job like that forever. When The Iron Bull burned out, his superiors moved him to what most people outside the Qunari think of when they imagine the Ben- Hassrath: spy work in other countries. He was told to set up a mercenary company, take jobs from nobles, and pass information back to the Qunari.

  [DA]: How does he end up with the Inquisition?

  [PW]: The official reason The Iron Bull joins the Inquisition is that his Qunari superiors want to know what the Inquisition is doing. Qunari have a pretty dim view of uncontrolled magic, and a giant hole in the sky is about as uncontrolled as you can get.

  [DA]: And unofficially?

  [PW]: Unofficially, The Iron Bull sees demons attacking innocent people, and he wants to help. He knows the Inquisition's agents would uncover his ties to the Ben-Hassrath, so he'sopted to save time and be completely up-front about his work. If the player can handle The Iron Bull sending reports, the Qunari agent can get the Inquisition valuable information in return from his spy network.

  [DA]: How would you describe The Iron Bull'scharacter?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull is casual, friendly, and confident. There are very few things in the world that he can'tkill if he needs to, which puts him at ease most of the time. He'sgot no need to compete with anyone or prove himself, and he doesn'tneed his ego stroked. What he does need are people he can trust to watch his back and friends he can laugh with. After surviving years of ugly, nasty fighting, The Iron Bull has learned not to take anything too seriously. Unless it involves demons.

  [DA]: Why demons?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull has a thing about demons.

  [DA]: What sets The Iron Bull apart from the other followers in Inquisition?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull really loves life outside the demands of the Qun, now that he,sgotten used to it, and he does everything big. He overeats, drinks himself sick, and will hop into bed with anyone he'sreasonably sure he won'tbreak. He'sbeen close to death enough times to appreciate life whenever he has the chance.

  [DA]: How does he get along with his fellow companions?

  [PW]: The Iron Bull is a relaxed, friendly guy who gets along with just about everyone. He loves talking shop with Cassandra after battles, for example, although he'sa lot more enthusiastic about chopping people in half than Cassandra is. He also gets along surprisingly well with Vivienne, who keeps him in line when he gets too boisterous.

  [DA]: You said “just about everyone.” Are there people that he doesn'tget along with?

  [PW]: The only folks The Iron Bull has trouble with are those who go looking for fights about the Qunari. He isn'ttrying to convert anybody, but he'snot going to apologize for his way of life, and people like Varric, who saw the Qunari at their worst in Kirkwall, might take that the wrong way.

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