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  灰色守卫(the grey warden)们孤独地守望着世界,忍受着充满苦难的生活,牺牲一切去保卫这个世界远离那永远无法真正被战胜的邪恶。只有很少的人会自愿加入这些事情一一那痛苦,孤单,和注定无法平静的死亡(意指召礼the calling)。然而灰卫的道路也是一条勇气之路,那些选择加入这项事业的人都最终欣然知晓,他们成为了比自己更伟大的事物。布莱克沃就是那极少数自愿拿起这面盾牌的人。他对灰卫们高尚的理念是那样得深信不疑,以至于他绝不会选择任何其它的生活。

  The Grey Wardens hold a lonely vigil, enduring lives of hardship and sacrifice to protect the world from an evil that can never truly be conquered. Few would volunteer for this: the suffering, isolation, and promise of a violent death. But the path of a Warden is also one of valor, and those who give themselves to the cause are rewarded with the knowledge that they have become something more than they were. Blackwall is one of the rare few Wardens who chose, of his own accord, to pick up the shield. He believes so wholeheartedly in the noble ideal of the Grey Wardens that he would rather have this life than any other.


  距离上一次瘟潮(the Blight)已经过去了十年。灰色守卫(Grey Warden)的声望又一次开始消退。灰卫因为他们的守望而闻名。为了监视瘟潮,他们时刻注意着暗裔的动向。但布莱克沃并不愿意止步于守望。他完全将自己投入到了那些传奇一般的灰色守卫们曾经践行的理念中去,那些曾经站在赛达斯人民和风暴般来临的瘟潮之间的人,那些将自己作为世界的盾牌的人。













  [DRAGON AGE]: What is Blackwall's life like before he meets the Inquisition?

  [SHERYL CHEE]: The Blight is ten years past. The Grey Wardens' prominence is decreasing again. The Wardens are known for their vigil; they keep watch for the darkspawn, for the Blight. But Blackwall isn't interested in just watching. He is absolutely invested in the idea of the Grey Wardens of legend: those who place themselves between the people of Thedas and the oncoming Blight, acting as their shield.

  [DA]: Would you say that he sees himself as a defender of the people?

  [SC]: To him, that's a Grey Warden, someone who protects others, who takes a hit so someone else doesn't have to. And if that's a Grey Warden, then it's his moral imperative to act, even when there's no Blight. There's more evil in the world than just the darkspawn, and he believes it's his duty to do something about it. He lives by that old saying: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." [DA]: How does he become involved with the Inquisition?

  [SC]: When the Inquisition tries to get in contact with the Grey Wardens, they find Blackwall. He's traveling on his own, a bit of a loner. But with the world spiraling out of control, Blackwall sees the Inquisition as Thedas's last hope to restore order, and he realizes that he'll probably be able to do more good with its backing than by himself.

  [DA]: How would you describe Blackwall's character?

  [SC]: He's a veteran. He's been through many battles, many conflicts, and he knows their price. He's aware that in wars, the people who call the shots are often safe in their fortresses. It's the soldiers who die. He's seen people with power abuse it and use it to manipulate others, and he absolutely hates that.

  [DA]: How does he view himself in the hierarchy of war?

  [SC]: He's not going to put himself above the rank and file. He's not better than them. At the end of the day, after all the talk about good and protecting people, he's going to want to have a round of drinks with the rest of the troops and share stories.

  [DA]: What was it like for you to write his character in Inquisition?

  [SC]: I had a great deal of fun writing Blackwall. At least part of it was asking why someone might find the Grey Wardens appealing. Why choose to be part of that? A heroic sacrifice is still a sacrifice. What sort of person could decide that dying for something is better than just living?And I would love to say more, but I won't. Ask me again in October.

  [DA]: Being good and just can sometimes rub other characters the wrong way. How does Blackwall fit in with his fellow companions in Inquisition?

  [SC]: There are definitely characters that Blackwall enjoys the company of more than others. While he always keeps a close watch on his conduct, he loosens up around certain people. There's also the possibility that his relationships may change over time.

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